Creating Bottom Navigation in Android

What is Bottom Navigation?
Bottom navigation bars make it easy to explore and switch between top-level views in a single tap. — Material Design spec
This helps developers opt for Bottom Navigation, instead of a Navigation Drawer.
If you have about four top-level navigation items, its ideal to use Bottom Navigation. Otherwise, go for a Navigation Drawer. We don’t want the Bottom Navigation looking too crowded now, do we?
This was already common for iOS apps. But now, a lot of Android apps have started adapting this. To name a few, the YouTube app recently made the switch.
YouTube app’s simplified navigation with Bottom Bar

When to use?

A Bottom Navigation is best used when you have three to five top-level navigation items of similar importance.
Until now, the default, go-to navigation solution is the Navigation Drawer. Would you agree?
Grab all your screens, throw them in the Navigation Drawer and we’re done. I don’t blame you. Once upon a time, I was guilty of the same.
For just 4 navigation screens, would you use an entire Navigation Drawer for it? Besides, that huge side menu is hidden away by a tiny hamburger menu.
Think of the benefits a Bottom Navigation provides:
  • always visible — its omnipresent no matter which of the 4 screens you visit
  • simpler — lesser the options, easier to remember
So given all that, in such a scenario, a Bottom Navigation will serve you the best.

A simpler way to look at it…

If all that seems too complex, then just keep the number of navigation screens in mind.
  • 2 screens — Tabs
  • 3 to 5 screens — Bottom Navigation
  • 5 and above — Navigation Drawer
First, start by adding the library’s dependency to your build.gradle file.
dependencies {
    compile 'com.aurelhubert:ahbottomnavigation:2.0.4'
I hope your app supports minSdk >14. If not, make sure you do, because this library supports 14 and above only. Seriously, why are you supporting 0.99% of the (ancient) devices!?

Adding Bottom Navigation to Layout

Make sure your parent layout is a CoordinatorLayout. This ensures the Bottom Navigation behaves correctly with Snackbar and FAB.
The FrameLayout with ID @+id/frame is the placeholder UI to load our Fragment.

Moving onto Java

Each Bottom Navigation bar item denotes a different color. For demonstration purposes, each item click will change the Fragment’s view color. But ideally, you’ll want to load a different Fragment for each item. I’ll tell you how to switch Fragments, a bit further into the article.
Initializing and using the Bottom Navigation is easy as one two three. I ain’t even kidding. See for yourself!

1. Create your Items

There are different constructors you can use to define your Bottom Navigation items.
At the least, you must provide a title and icon. In other words, a String and Drawable.
Both parameters can be hardcoded Strings. But for the sake of good practice, lets reference both from XML resources.
AHBottomNavigationItem item1 = 
    new AHBottomNavigationItem(R.string.bottomnav_title_0,     

2. Add Bottom Navigation items

Once you’ve defined the number of items, its time to add them to the Bottom Navigation.

3. Set Listener

Finally, you need to listen to item clicks. So add the following to your Fragment.
bottomNavigation.setOnTabSelectedListener(new AHBottomNavigation.OnTabSelectedListener() {
          public void onTabSelected(int position, boolean wasSelected) {
I have a tiny card layout centered in my Fragment layout. Depending on the item click, I change its color.
Also, don’t forget to set your default item. This item depicts the default (home) screen which people will see.
// Setting the very 1st item as home screen. bottomNavigation.setCurrentItem(0);
Ideally, you’d want to change the Fragment here. The same way when creating a Navigation Drawer in Android. More on this later.


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